The last stop of our common journey were the Whitsundays near Airlie Beach. This highlight of preserved nature is open to the public and still leads the visitors to believe in an untouched paradise.

We arrive with our ferryboat at Whitehaven beach right after sunrise. The feelings of pure joy and happiness of being at this beautiful place overwhelmed us so much that we felt the need to do something special here. With the assumption of being the only persons on the whole island we started our 24hrs of nudity. It took some moments to get comfortable in this new living without constraint, but after it was awesome!

After a few hours we had to realize that our assumption being the only humans here today was wrong. With motorboats, catamarans, sailboats and even seaplanes hundreds of tourist from all over the world arrived at the beach. We stayed firm throughout the day and luckily had a lovely sunset for ourselves again.

On the next day we had to go separated ways again. Fanny had to catch a flight in Townsville and she decided to hitchhike the distance of 270km. That’s why I dropped her off next to the “highway”.

I can encourage everyone to try something like this! Actually it’s more uncomfortable for the dressed person and we were lucky to have some space for our own.